Letter of Approval

All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) Nelson Mandela Marg,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Website: www.aicte-india.org APPROVAL PROCESS 2024-25 Letter of Approval (LoA) F.No. South-West /2024-25/1-44294173296 To, The Chairman THE CHURCH OF SOUTH INDIA TRUST ASSOCIATION 5, WHITES ROAD , ROYAPETTAH, CHENNAI, CITY,CHENNAI Tamil Nadu,600014 Sub: Letter of Approval for New Institution 2024-25 Sir/Madam, Date of Approval: 09-May-2024 In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations, 2020 notified by the Council vide notification number F. No. AB/AICTE/REG/2020 dated 4th February, 2020 and amended on 24th February 2021 and norms, standards, procedure and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to Permanent Id 1-44294173296 Application Id 1-44294173296 Name of the Institute BISHOP SPEECHLY COLLEGE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES Name of the Society/ Trust/ Company THE CHURCH OF SOUTH INDIA TRUST ASSOCIATION Institute Address Institute Type BUCHANAN CAMPUS, PALLOM, NATTAKAM, KOTTAYAM, Kerala, 686007 Private-Self Financing Society/ Trust/ Company Address Region 5, WHITES ROAD , ROYAPETTAH, CHENNAI, CITY,CHENNAI Tamil Nadu,600014 South-West For conduct of the following Courses with the Intake indicate below for the Academic Year 2024-25* Sr. No. Level Program Course 1 UNDER GRADUATE COMPUTER APPLICATIONS BCA Affiliating University/ Board Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Intake Approved for 2024-25 70 The approval of BBA/BCA/BMS courses is on " as is where is basis" Intake Approved for BBA/BCA/BMS Course is Subject to the approval of the Concern University. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The management shall provide adequate funds for development of infrastructural, instructional and other facilities as per norms and standards laid down by the Council from time to time and for meeting recurring expenditure. The Eligibility Criteria for admissions shall be made in accordance with the regulations notified by the Council from time to time. The tuition and other fees shall be charged as prescribed by the Competent Authority within the overall criteria prescribed by the Council from time to time. No capitation fee shall be charged from the students/ guardians of students in any form. If found so, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution The management of the Institution shall not discontinue any course(s) or start any new course(s) or alter intake capacity of seats without the prior approval of the Council. No excess admission shall be made by the Institution over and above the approved intake under any circumstances. In case any excess admission is reported to the Council, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution. The Institution shall not have any collaborative arrangements with any other Indian and / or Foreign Universities for conduct of technical courses without obtaining prior approval from AICTE. In case any violation is reported to the Council, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution The Institution shall not conduct any course(s) as specified in the Approval Process Handbook without prior permission / approval of AICTE. If found so, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution. The Institution shall operate only from the approved location, and that the institution shall not open any off campus study centers / extension centers directly or in collaboration with any other institution / university / organization for the purpose of imparting technical education without obtaining prior approval from the AICTE. If found so, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution. The accounts of the Institution shall be audited annually by a certified Chartered Accountant and shall be open for inspection by the Council or persons authorized by it. 10. Heads of Departments, the teaching and other staff shall be appointed in given time frame and selection shall be done according to procedures, qualifications and experience prescribed by the Council from time to time and pay scales are as per the norms prescribed by the AICTE from time to time. The Institution shall publish an information booklet before commencement of the academic year giving details regarding the Institution and courses / programs being conducted, Fees charged and details of infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. Application No:1-44294173296 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aict1ze0329 Page 1 of 2 Letter Printed On:14 May 2024 in the form of mandatory disclosure. The information booklet may be made available to the stakeholders of the technical education. The mandatory disclosure information, as per directions in the AICTE website / Approval Process Handbook, shall be put on the Institution Website. The information shall be revised every year with updated information about all aspects of the Institution. 11. It shall be mandatory for the Institution to maintain a Website providing the prescribed information. The Website information must be continuously updated as and when changes take place. 12. As per mandatory Disclosure of APH 2024-27(Annexure-18, page180) Institutions must disclose the following information submitted to Council at the Prominent location on its website. i. Department wise availability of Infrastructure along with approved courses and intake approved by the Council. ii. Faculty details: Department wise: Name& Designation of the faculty members/teaching staff along with their qualification, tenure of service in your organization, total experience, Institution should also disclose Student Faculty Ratio, Cadre Ratio. iii. Additionally, Audited Financial Statements for every Financial year on year to year basis. 13. If the Institution fails to disclose the information or suppress and / or misrepresent the information, appropriate action as per the notified regulations shall be initiated against the Institution. 14. AICTE may also conduct inspections with or without notifying the dates to verify specific complaints, to verify adherence to AICTE norms & standards, and to verify any mis-representation, violation of norms & standards, mal-practices etc. 15. The Institution by virtue of the approval given by Council shall not automatically become claimant to any grant-in-aid from the Central or State Government. 16. In the event of a student / candidate withdrawing before the starting of the course, the wait listed candidates should be given admission against the vacant seat. The entire fee collected from the student, after a deduction of the processing fee of not more than Rs. 1000/ (Rupees one thousand only) shall be refunded and returned by the Institution to the student / candidate withdrawing from the program. It would not be permissible for the Institution to retain the School / Institution Leaving Certificates in original to force retention of admitted students and not to charge fees for the remaining period if a student cancels the admission at any point of time. 17. The Institution shall take appropriate measures for prevention of ragging in any form, in the light of AICTE regulation "Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to Universities imparting technical education" Regulation 2009 (F.No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 01/07/2009). In case of failure to prevent the instances of ragging by the Institutions, the Council shall take appropriate action as per the notified regulations. 18. It is mandatory to comply all the essential requirements as given in APH 2024-25(Appendix 6). 19. AICTE Approved Institutes are encouraged to make efficient use of the flagship schemes like: 1. Parakh: Student Gap analysis portal bases services. 2. Students Scholarship schemes like Pragati, Saksham, Swanath, ADF, etc. 3. Course in Indian Languages. 4. ATAL FDPs: Faculty training for Emerging areas and cutting edge Technologies. 5. Augmenting Utilization of Research Assets (AURA). 6. Smart India Hackathon: World's largest Open Innovation Platform. The Government/ Management of the Institution shall strictly follow further conditions as may be specified by the Council from time to time.The Council may withdraw the approval, in case it observe any violation of the above conditions and/or non- adherence to the norms and standards prescribed by the Council, mis-representation of facts and submitting factually incorrect information to it. NOTE: If the State Government / UT / DTE / DME has a reservation policy for admission in Technical Education Institutions and the same is applicable to Private & Self-financing Technical Institutions, then the State Government / UT/ DTE / DME shall ensure that 10 % of Reservation for EWS would be operational from the Academic year 2022-23. However, this would not be applicable in the case of Minority Institutions referred to the clause (1) of Article 30 of Constitution of India Application No:1-44294173296 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aict1ze0329 Page 2 of 2 Letter Printed On:14 May 2024

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